Ex-farmer goes VEGAN


This book follows JH Burnett’s gruelling journey to Veganism.
A former farmer in the meat and dairy industries,
he turned Vegan, horrified by the animal abuse witnessed.
Consumed with darkness, he gave life a second chance,
dedicating himself to the animal liberation movement.
This book follows his journey from start to finish:
the cruelty witnessed, questions raised, darkness fought,
love and compassion felt,
and finally, his long-overdue ‘escape.’

Ex-farmer goes VEGAN


This book follows JH Burnett’s gruelling journey to Veganism. A former farmer in the meat and dairy industries, he turned Vegan, horrified by the animal abuse witnessed.
Consumed with darkness, he gave life a second chance, dedicating himself to the animal liberation movement.
This book follows his journey from start to finish: the cruelty witnessed, questions raised, darkness fought, love and compassion felt,
and finally, his long-overdue ‘escape.’

From serving the meat and dairy industries to VEGAN artists/activists.

Want us to write & illustrate your book?

JH & Elle Burnett collaborate with like-minded humans to shine a light on the love and compassion rooted within Veganism.
See Freya and the King below, illustrating our heart, passion, and creative style.

Want to collaborate? Reach out to us. 

Freya and the King


Written for kids, ages 5-12

Freya and the King is an inspiring tale which follows a brave young girl’s journey as she fights for animal liberation in her land. The biggest obstacle standing in her way is the nasty old king, greedy and hateful towards all animals. Yet, Freya will stop at nothing to see her friends saved. It’s a moral tale, speaking to the inherent goodness within
all of us and the necessity to stand up for what is right. Written in the playful ‘AA BB rhyme scheme,’ it falls gently on the ear and is a must-read, especially for all young Vegans, brave as we know you are.

She went to the king all alone,
where he ruled from upon his throne.
He kept her waiting all through the night,
only calling on her at first light.

‘Please,’ said Freya, ‘set the animals free!
They deserve protection, can’t you see?
They are fragile, loving, and oh-so-kind.
Please, my king, please change your mind.’

Freya and the King


Written for kids, ages 5-12

Freya and the King is an inspiring tale which follows a brave young girl’s journey as she fights for animal liberation in her land. The biggest obstacle standing in her way is the nasty old king, greedy and hateful towards all animals. Yet, Freya will stop at nothing to see her friends saved. It’s a moral tale, speaking to the inherent goodness within
all of us and the necessity to stand up for what is right. Written in the playful ‘AA BB rhyme scheme,’ it falls gently on the ear and is a must-read, especially for all young Vegans, brave as we know you are.

She went to the king all alone,
where he ruled from upon his throne.
He kept her waiting all through the night,
only calling on her at first light.

‘Please,’ said Freya, ‘set the animals free!
They deserve protection, can’t you see?
They are fragile, loving, and oh-so-kind.
Please, my king, please change your mind.’


If our work, whether books, podcasts or speeches, has impacted your life and you wish to contribute, we would be immensely grateful. It’s our life’s mission to continue spreading the good news of Veganism with creativity and zeal, and we appreciate any and all support.

We've featured on the following podcasts

Some episodes may not be released yet and are subject to the podcast hosts.

For Podcast and Speaking Engagements, please contact me directly at jh@veganismhaswon.com

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